Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Made Pizza for the 1st Time!!! FROM SCRATCH!!!

Yes, from scratch! Kneaded the dough and everything!
One was cheese, & the other had cheese, onions and spinach.


  1. Pizzas look really good! I started making some in a springform pan that are stuffed (crust on top too)and with sauce on top of the top layer of crust. They're awesome! I found your blog through BMX Museum by the way. Take care! -Mark

  2. Hey Mark! Thanks again for checkin' out my blog & your comments! Wow, your springform pan pizza sounds awesome! I've never heard of that before, but it sure makes me want to try that.
    btw, who are you on the museum?

  3. Hey, I'm txex97 on the museum.
